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Adrenal Cocktails: Benefits, Side Effects, and Recipes


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What Is an Adrenal Cocktail? 

What is an adrenal cocktail? Is it a trendy beverage, a nourishing elixir, or a nutrient-rich beverage? The answer—it’s a combination of all three! An adrenal cocktail is a non-alcoholic beverage rich in vitamin Cpotassium, and sodium that may support adrenal gland health and fight fatigue. 

Adrenal glands play an essential role in creating hormones to support metabolism, immune function, and blood pressure and help the body respond to stress. Chronic stress is thought to strain adrenal gland function, leading to “adrenal fatigue.” Sipping on an adrenal cocktail may support adrenal health by providing these important glands with key nutrients needed for optimal function.  

A classic adrenal cocktail is made from orange juice, coconut water, and sea salt—ingredients that are naturally rich in vitamin C, potassium, and sodium. However, endless variations of this classic recipe use different ingredients to boost flavor and nutrition. Popular alternate adrenal cocktail ingredients include collagen powder, coconut milk, cream of tartar, ginger or ginger juice, carrot juice, pomegranate juice, and more. 

Adrenal cocktails are popular because they are easy to make and involve only a few simple ingredients, including electrolytes, hydration, vitamins, and minerals, that support adrenal function. 

How Do Adrenal Cocktails Work? 

The adrenals are small, triangular-shaped glands located on top of both kidneys. They play an important role in producing the hormones cortisol, aldosterone, and adrenaline, which help regulate metabolism, immune system function, blood pressure, and stress response. 

In theory, when we experience chronic high states of stress, we wear out our adrenals, leading to “adrenal fatigue.” The term “adrenal fatigue” is not an actual medical diagnosis, and no scientific evidence supports the claim that adrenal impairment causes fatigue. So, while adrenal cocktails may not, in fact, be the remedy for “adrenal fatigue,” they may nonetheless provide a variety of nutrients that support hormonal balance and body function. 

The three main hormones created by the adrenal glands are cortisol, aldosterone, and adrenals.


Cortisol is often referred to as the stress hormone. In a fight-or-flight situation, the adrenal glands produce more cortisol to increase sugar (glucose) in the bloodstream. The increased blood sugar provides energy to the brain, muscles, and tissues so they can respond and flee from danger. Cortisol suppresses inflammation, regulates blood pressure, and controls the body’s sleep/wake cycle. 


Aldosterone helps regulate blood pressure and electrolytes like sodium and potassium. It also helps regulate blood pH by controlling the amount of electrolytes within the blood.


In times of stress, the adrenal glands produce adrenaline as part of the body’s “fight or flight” response. Adrenaline increases heart rate and blood pressure, makes the brain more alert, causes blood vessels to send more blood to the brain and muscles, and increases blood sugar levels to give the body a boost of energy to escape stressful and dangerous situations. 

Benefits of Adrenal Cocktails

So, what does an adrenal cocktail do to help you? Adrenal cocktails are hydrating and rich in vitamin C and electrolytes like potassium and sodium. These are all key nutrients that support adrenal function, help hydrate the body, and boost energy. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important vitamin and antioxidant needed for the proper formation of blood vessels, cartilage, muscles, and collagen. Vitamin C supports immune function, the body’s healing process, and adrenal health. Citrus fruits, like oranges, are naturally rich in vitamin C! While orange juice is the traditional juice in an adrenal cocktail, other high-vitamin C juices include lemon juice, grapefruit juice, and pineapple juice. 


Potassium is an essential mineral that supports nerve function, heart health, maintaining normal blood pressure, transmitting nerve signals between organs, muscle contractions, maintaining optimal fluid balance, balancing pH within the body, and supporting adrenal gland function. 

Coconut water is a source of hydration and electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and manganese. In addition to coconut water, carrot and pomegranate juice are also rich in potassium! Cream of tartar is another great potassium source. Try adding ¼ teaspoon of cream of tartar to your beverage to boost the potassium level. 


Sodium is an essential micronutrient that the body needs in small amounts. It plays an important role in helping maintain normal cellular homeostasis and fluid and electrolyte balance. 

When adding salt to an adrenal cocktail, choose sea salt over table salt. Sea salt is made by evaporating seawater, whereas table salt is mined from salt deposits and then processed into a fine salt. Because table salt is more processed, it may contain fewer minerals than sea salt and may contain added ingredients to prevent clumping. 

Whether you use sea salt or table salt in your adrenal cocktail, the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends not exceeding 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day.1


Up to 60% of the human adult body is comprised of water!2 Water is a vital nutrient that’s critical for maintaining internal body temperature, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, urination and stool, digestion, joint lubrication, forming saliva, cushioning the brain, spinal cord, and joints, and supporting the function of every organ within the body. 

Symptoms of dehydration include feeling tired, on edge, having difficulty making decisions, slow, sluggish metabolism, achy body or joints, and feeling dizzy or lightheaded. While drinking plain water and consuming water-dense foods is a great way to hydrate, electrolyte beverages can further support optimal hydration. Beverages that naturally contain electrolytes, such as coconut water, can help the body regulate fluid balance.   

When Is the Best Time to Drink an Adrenal Cocktail? 

Have you ever experienced mid-morning or mid-afternoon fatigue? Instead of reaching for a second cup of coffee, try an adrenal cocktail! 

Most adults feel their energy levels begin to dip at about 10 am or between 2 and 3 pm in the afternoon. Energy levels can also drop with dehydration. An adrenal cocktail provides an energy boost, thanks to the naturally occurring sugars from orange juice and coconut water, along with quality hydration from the liquid and electrolytes. 

Pair an adrenal cocktail with a snack rich in protein, fiber, and/or fat to sustain energy levels. These macronutrients help support balanced blood sugar levels and prevent an energy crash. Great snack ideas to compliment an adrenal cocktail include celery with almond butter, carrot sticks with hummus, or trail mix!

Who Should Consume Adrenal Cocktails?

Symptoms of adrenal fatigue include chronic fatigue, brain fog, digestive issues such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation, body aches, light-headedness, low blood pressure, weight gain or weight loss, hair loss, trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, and nervousness or feeling on edge. An adrenal cocktail may be an excellent option for anyone experiencing these symptoms to hydrate, nourish, and boost energy. 

These symptoms can also indicate an underlying health issue. Therefore, if you are experiencing unusual or chronic symptoms, it’s best to discuss your health with your doctor, who can help get to the root cause of your symptoms. 

Who Should Steer Clear of Adrenal Cocktails?

Adrenal cocktails may have side effects for some. For those who have been diagnosed with kidney disease or kidney failure, talk to your doctor or registered dietitian before trying an adrenal cocktail. People with kidney concerns need to be mindful of their potassium levels, and an adrenal cocktail can be high in potassium. 

Individuals who have been diagnosed with diabetes should also consult their doctor or registered dietitian before trying an adrenal cocktail. While the sugar in an adrenal cocktail comes from natural sources, people monitoring their blood sugar levels need to account for this sugar intake. Eating a high-protein, high-fiber snack along with an adrenal cocktail may help balance blood sugar levels. Adding a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to an adrenal cocktail may also help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.3 

Lastly, individuals managing their weight will want to be mindful of their intake of calories from liquids. An adrenal cocktail contains approximately 85 calories. 

Adrenal Cocktail Recipes

Classic Adrenal Cocktail

Makes one 8-ounce serving.


  • ½ cup coconut water
  • ½ cup orange juice
  • A pinch of sea salt
  • Ice (optional)


Stir the ingredients together and enjoy! 

Creamy Coconut Adrenal Cocktail

Makes one 11-ounce serving.


  • ½ cup coconut water
  • ½ cup orange juice
  • 1 tablespoon coconut cream
  • A pinch of sea salt


Stir the ingredients together and enjoy! 

Super Citrus Adrenal Cocktail

Makes one 8-ounce serving.


  • ½ cup coconut water
  • ¼ cup orange juice
  • ¼ cup grapefruit juice
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • A pinch of sea salt


Stir the ingredients together and enjoy! 

Carrot Orange Ginger Adrenal Cocktail

Makes one 8-ounce serving.


  • ½ cup coconut water
  • ¼ cup orange juice
  • ¼ cup carrot juice
  • 1 tablespoon ginger juice 
  • A pinch of sea salt


Stir the ingredients together and enjoy! 

Pineapple Orange Adrenal Cocktail

Makes one 8-ounce serving.


  • ½ cup coconut water
  • ¼ cup orange juice
  • ¼ cup pineapple juice 
  • A pinch of sea salt


Stir the ingredients together and enjoy! 

In addition to these homemade recipes, an adrenal cocktail mix can be a convenient way to enjoy the benefits of an adrenal cocktail consistently. 


The term “adrenal fatigue” is not an actual medical diagnosis, and there is no scientific evidence to support adrenal impairment or the use of an adrenal cocktail to support adrenal health. However, the nutrients in an adrenal cocktail are essential for optimal health and wellness and can support hydration, immune health, energy levels, and may even support adrenal function. 


  1. USDA. Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025. Accessed March 21, 2024. 
  2. Mitchell HH, Hamilton TS, Steggerda FR, Bean HW. The Chemical Composition of the Adult Human Body and Its Bearing on the Biochemistry of Growth. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1945;158(3):625-637. 
  3. Johnston CS, Kim CM, Buller AJ. Vinegar Improves Insulin Sensitivity to a High-Carbohydrate Meal in Subjects With Insulin Resistance or Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2004;27(1):281-282.

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